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About Me

I am a survivor of forced marriage and a Whistleblower. My personal journey, marked by courage and resilience, has shaped me into a passionate advocate for women's rights and justice. My experiences, while deeply traumatic, ignited a fire within me to fight for those who have been silenced and to ensure that no one else would have to endure what I went through.


At the age of 16 I was forced into marriage. I survived, escaped, and rebuilt my life, turning my pain into power. Later, I faced another challenge when I was dismissed from Post Office Ltd for reporting wrongdoing in the workplace. Undeterred, I took on my employer, standing up for truth and justice., was born out of these personal experiences. Today, with a combined social media following of 48,000, I use my platform to share my story, raise awareness about forced marriages, and advocate for the rights of women worldwide. My work extends beyond borders, reaching those affected by similar experiences around the world.


I believe in the power of education, dialogue, and collective action in driving change. I will bring you articles on various topics related to women's rights and ethical practices in the workplace. I aim to create an inclusive community where women can find support, learn, and become advocates for change. is more than just a website; it's a movement. I believe that everyone has a role to play in standing up against wrongdoing, and advocating for justice. I invite you to join me in this important mission.


If you have any questions, want to share your story, please don't hesitate to contact me. Together, we can create a world where every woman is free to choose her own path, and where truth and justice prevail.


Remember, no matter what you're going through, never give up. Keep going. Your voice matters, and you have the power to create change.



I've been featured on news channels (ITV Central, BBC and France 2), Private Eye, Computer Weekly and Psychologies magazines and Le Monde newspaper.

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